Terms and Conditions


The contract for a short term holiday rental shall be made between the Client, the person or persons named in the confirmation order and all members of the booking party [ referred to as “you” or “your”]  jointly and severely and High Peak House [referred to as “us” or “we”] in the following Terms and Conditions. The Client must be a member of the booking party and cannot re-assign/ transfer the rental, or sub-let a part of it to someone else. The Client certifies that he/she is authorised to agree to these Terms and Conditions on behalf of all persons in the booking party and also agrees to take full responsibility for ensuring that all members of the party adhere to the Terms and Conditions here within. 


Whilst we are prepared to consider requests for the reservation of properties and we may offer the facility of provisionally holding a booking any such arrangement shall not render us liable if (i) you do not confirm your booking and a contract is entered into, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, within a provisional holding period agreed by us or (ii) the property becomes unavailable for occupation during the period reserved.

In the event of (i) or (ii) any reservation holding fee would be refunded.

Your Booking

The contract shall be entered into when we have received your deposit and issue the confirmation and will be subject to all of the following Terms and Conditions. The Client must be at least 18 years of age at the time of booking. Your confirmation will set out the accommodation you have booked, the dates of your booking, and the total amount payable for your booking. We will issue you with your confirmation invoice by email. 

We reserve the right to decline an application and in the event that we do, the full amount of monies paid by you on account, for the booking, will be refunded.


A deposit of 25% of the rental fee is payable if the booking is made more than 2 calendar months prior to the start of the rental period. The balance must be paid at least two calendar months prior to the start of the rental period. For all bookings made less than 2 calendar months prior to the start of the rental period, the rental must be paid in full. Non-payment of the balance on or before the due date shall be construed as a cancellation of the contract by the Client. If this happens you will be subject to the cancellation charges set out in the sections ‘failure to pay’ and ‘cancellation’. 

Fraud Prevention

We will never email or otherwise electronically message (such as WhatsApp/SMS/text) you to advise you about changes to our bank account details, nor will we accept bank account details from you by email or electronic messaging.

If you do receive an email or electronic message purporting to be from us notifying you of a change in bank details, we would ask that you contact us before sending any money. These measures have been put in place for our mutual protection. Please be vigilant. 


We reserve the right to amend the price quoted at any time due to errors, omissions, tax changes or withdrawal of promotional offers. In such circumstances we will contact you as soon as we become aware of the increase in charges. If you do not wish to pay the increased amount you shall be entitled to cancel the reservation and receive a full refund of all monies paid, on account, in respect of the reservation. Provided notice of cancellation is given within seven (7) days of you receiving notice of the amendment to the price to be charged from us and all conditions under the ‘Payment’ section have been upheld.

We do not expect to have to make changes to your booking however sometimes problems or unforeseen events happen. We will only change your booking if it is for reasons of necessity (eg, essential safety work) or due to matters beyond our reasonable control. In any event we will notify you as soon as we become aware of the reason and we will do our utmost to offer you a suitable alternative booking. If we are not able to offer you a suitable alternative, we will refund you the total amount you have paid on account for the booking. We will only be responsible for foreseeable losses that you incur as a direct result and obvious consequence of the change or cancellation; that is limited to the monies paid in respect of your reservation under the conditions of this agreement.

A Client’s request to change a booking will be considered, however we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet with any such request and we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee of £50 in the event it can be facilitated and a change of booking is made. Plus if the change of booking has associated increased rental costs you will be notified and these will become due and payable as per the section ‘Payment’. In the event a change cannot be accommodated and you do not want to keep to your original booking this will be deemed a cancellation.

Failure to pay

Non-payment of any sums payable under the section ‘Payment’ may be treated as a cancellation of your booking and we will be entitled to re-let the property without reference to the Client and under the Terms and Conditions set out in the section ‘Cancellation’.


All applicants are advised to take out holiday cancellation insurance.

Any cancellation made by the Client for whatever reason must be confirmed in writing or email. You shall remain liable for all the payments due in respect of the reservation/booking whether or not they have been paid at the time of the cancellation. However on receipt of a notice of cancellation, we will, using all and every reasonable endeavours, seek to re-let the property for the period of the cancelled booking. If we succeed in re-letting the property at the full price we shall refund all monies paid less a £100 administrative charge. If we only succeed in re-letting the property for part of the period booked or at a discounted price, we shall refund an amount equal to the money paid by the Client less 1) the difference between the full price for the whole period and the re-let price received and 2) an administration charge of £100. 

If we are unable to re-let the property at all, then all monies in the contract, both paid and owed by the Client, shall be owed to us.

The Rental

You will be provided with a ‘welcome pack’ at your accommodation that contains important information about your stay with us. Please ensure you and all members of your party read this carefully on arrival.

Please ensure that you and all members of your party familiarise yourselves with the layout of the property, your accommodation, the fire exits and all safety information.

Period of hire:

Rentals commence, unless otherwise notified, at 3pm on the day of arrival and terminate at 10am on the day of departure. Failure to depart on time will result in you being charged a further day’s rental. You must only use the accommodation for the purpose of your holiday / vacation. All properties are strictly to be used for the number of guests agreed to in the confirmation (see occupancy). Clients are requested to contact us at least one week prior to their date of arrival in order to confirm approximate  time of arrival and to make arrangements for key collection

Included in rental:

Reasonable electricity usage*, bed linen, towels and tea towels. Cots and high chairs are available on request.

Not included in rental:

Excessive use of electricity will be charged at cost. (Details on request).


The number of persons occupying the property must not exceed the maximum number stipulated on the website/booking form. We set maximum occupancy limits in line with the property’s facilities and equipment plus health and safety requirements. We reserve the right to refuse entry to the entire party if this condition is not observed. Parties must not exceed the numbers specified unless by arrangement and agreement by us and we reserve the right to ask customers to vacate if this is abused. This must be adhered to and any requests for any persons other than your party being able to use, or share, the facilities of your property must also be arranged and agreed to by us. Any such refusal of entry or eviction by us due to such a serious infringement of these Terms and Conditions will incur a forfeiture of all monies due and or paid plus possible further charges in the event that damage has been caused to the property and facilities due to the excessive use the over occupancy caused.

Good housekeeping

You are charged a £300 housekeeping fee, as part of your booking. This is kept temporarily to ensure that the cottage is left as you find it. You must keep the cottage and its contents clean and tidy and leave them in the same condition as when you arrive. Should you discover that anything is missing, damaged or untoward on arrival at the property you must notify us immediately. If you do not, you could be held responsible and your housekeeping deposit withheld. If your cottage key is found to be missing upon your departure, your housekeeping deposit will be retained. Providing we deem that you have left the property in a satisfactory condition your Housekeeping deposit will be refunded after your departure. It will be refunded by bank transfer. Please provide your bank details to make the payment back to you. 

If you leave any of your possessions/belongings behind on your departure please contact us as soon as possible and we will work with you to endeavour to return things as swiftly as possible. There will be a minimum £25 charge for returning lost items. Any lost property will be held for a maximum of three months, at our discretion, after which it will be disposed of.

Care of the property / damages

The Client shall take all reasonable and proper care of the property and its furniture, pictures, fittings and effects in or on the property and leave them in the same state of repair and in the same clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period as at the beginning. We request that you notify us of all and any incidents immediately and though we do not normally charge for minor incidentals whether accidental or non-accidental you remain liable for the cost of any damages, breakages, losses and any extra expenses, including cleaning, repair or replacement costs to the property and or contents which are incurred due to non-compliance with this condition.


We reserve the right to charge in full for any damages or loss caused as a result of non compliance to the Terms and Conditions by you or any member of your party or guest of your party. You will be notified in writing or email of the details of any and all extra costs incurred within 14 days of your departure and this will be taken from your card details. If you have made payment by bank transfer, you will be invoiced for any additional charges.

Your responsibility

You accept that the responsibility for personal property of all members of the booking party is yours/at the owner’s risk. All vehicles are also left at the owners risk


You must not use the accommodation, or allow it to be used, for any dangerous, offensive, noxious, noisy, illegal or immoral activities. You must not cause any nuisance or annoyance to any neighbours or anyone else during your stay.


Please note that smoking is not allowed anywhere within the property. We reserve the right to seek compensation (including consequential loss) for any damage and additional costs of cleaning (such as curtains etc) or redecorating (eg, replacing smoke stained fixtures and fittings)) caused by a client smoking in the property. Consequential costs may be incurred where it is not possible to remove the smell of smoke from the property prior to the arrival of the next guest who subsequently demands compensation from ourselves. We reserve the right to seek compensation for all losses and costs caused by any serious damage (eg. fire) caused by smoking.


We accept dogs (and only those not listed under the Dangerous Dogs Act). You must inform us at the time of booking if you wish to bring a dog to the property. These conditions also apply to ‘assistance dogs’ of any kind. No other pets are allowed anywhere at any time. A charge of £25 will be payable per dog. We reserve the right to accept up to two dogs per booking only and the right to seek compensation for any damage and excessive cleaning costs caused by your dog. Owners are asked to take a responsible attitude to ensuring that dogs stay off the furniture and bedding etc. Any additional cleaning required will be taken directly from the Client using the card details provided at the time of booking. Dogs are accepted on condition that they are up to date with flea and worming treatments, must not be left alone in the cottages, are kept under control at all times. 


You must accept responsibility for your own safety and that of all party members, including children, at all times. Parents are also responsible for supervising children in the garden and all and any children’s safety equipment (cots, high chairs, etc) provided by us is also used at your own risk.

Internet usage

We provide wireless internet access free of charge for the duration of your stay, which is subject to the following conditions.

Service level

We only offer this service on a ‘reasonable effort’ basis and cannot guarantee that all devices will work with the network nor can we guarantee the level of availability, security or quality. 


The internet access we provide is primarily designed to enable our guests to access their emails and for general web browsing.

When using the wi-fi service the guest agrees at all times to be bound by the following provisions:

Not to use the wi-fi service for any of the following purposes:

  1. Disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws.
  2. Transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice.
  3. Interfering with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the wi-fi service.
  4. Making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of material protected by copyright without permission of the owner,
  5. To keep any username, password, or any other information which forms part of the wi-fi service security procedure confidential and not to disclose it to any third party.

Infringements of the above could lead to immediate termination of the service and we reserve the right to pass required information to relevant authorities if it is deemed a serious breach has occurred or if we are required to do so by law.


We have been informed by our Internet Service Provider (ISP) that they monitor our inbound and outbound traffic and have automatic triggers on most known illegal sites. This is to protect themselves and us from any legal implications of users downloading illegal copyrighted material and accessing offensive websites etc. We, therefore, reserve the right to monitor all guest traffic and where necessary disconnect guests from the network, if it is clear that an infringement has been made.

Confidential information

Although we have taken efforts to secure our network it should not be treated as a secure network and your device is therefore potentially vulnerable. Please ensure that your devices’ security settings are configured for use on a ‘public’ network.

Termination of the wi-fi services

We have the right to suspend or terminate the wi-fi service immediately in the event that there is a breach of any of the provisions of these standard conditions including without limitation:

  1. If the guest uses any equipment which is defective or illegal;
  2. If the guest causes any technical or other problems to our wi-fi service;
  3. If, in our opinion, the guest is involved in fraudulent or unauthorised use of the wi-fi service;
  4. If the guest resells access to our service; or
  5. If the guest uses our service in contravention of these terms and conditions.


  1. It is the responsibility of the guest to ensure that the wi-fi enabled device is compatible with our wi-fi service. The availability and performance of the wi-fi service is subject to all memory, storage and any other limitations in the guest’s device.
  2. We are not responsible for data, messages, or pages that the guest may lose or that become misdirected because of interruptions or performance issues with the wi-fi service or wireless communications networks generally. Network speed is no indication of the speed at which the guest’s wi-fi enabled device or our wi-fi service sends or receives data. Actual network speed will vary based on a number of factors including configuration, compression and network congestion.

Privacy policy

Our privacy policy can be found at www.highpeakhouse.com/privacy-policy.

Our rights

Right of entry

We shall be allowed the right of entry to the property if there is an unforeseen problem,  for the purpose of inspection, to investigate a complaint, to carry out any necessary repairs or maintenance or an emergency. We will always try to access the property at reasonably convenient times.

Right to evict

We may terminate our contract with you and ask you to vacate the property immediately, without any refund and or compensation being payable, if (I) we consider that you or your party have committed a serious breach of these Terms and Conditions (ii) you or your party’s behaviour does not comply with the rules within these Terms and Conditions or if it endangers the safety of our other visitors or staff (iii) we receive verifiable complaints of anti-social or unacceptable behaviour against you or your party (iv) you or your party cause an unreasonable amount of damage to the property or contents (v) you or your party exceed any occupancy and pet rules or limits. 


Should there be any cause for complaint during the occupation of the property, it must be notified promptly to us and in the case of a serious problem this should be confirmed in writing. We will work with you to ensure that any and all issues are investigated and resolved as promptly and efficiently as possible.

Please note that we will not tolerate/accept any written, verbal or physical abuse towards any of our employees, staff and/or agents.


The Client and all individuals over 18 within the booking party are jointly and severally responsible and liable under these Terms and Conditions

If we fail to comply with our obligations to our Clients, as set out in these Terms and Conditions, then we are responsible for any loss or damage you suffer that is foreseeable as a result of our breach. Our total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the conditions of this agreement shall be limited to the monies paid in respect of your reservation under the conditions of this agreement.

Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit our liability for (i) death or personal injury caused by our negligence (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation [or wilful default] on our part.

Circumstances beyond our control (Force Majeure)

We will not be responsible for any failure to perform (prevented or affected) our obligations under these Terms and Conditions that is caused by an event outside of our control and, or was not reasonably foreseeable or avoidable. An event outside our control means any act or event that is not reasonably foreseeable and beyond our reasonable control. Including without limitation, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, government action, extreme adverse weather, strikes or industrial action, terrorist attacks or threat of attack, war or threat of war, civil commotion, riot, invasion, or failure of public or private communications networks (whether intrinsically or from external interference).


We do not warrant and are not responsible for the accuracy of any verbal information given or statements made by any of our representatives or agents. 


Please be forewarned that it is possible to catch computer viruses or be hacked while utilising computer programmes and accessing web pages. Whilst we have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the pages on our web site are complete, up to date and correct, plus free and safe from interference [including the use of industry standard secure server software]; such is the nature of the internet that no assurance can be given that the pages of this site are completely accurate, free and safe at all times. It is a condition of us allowing you free access that we will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered from such discrepancies and third party interference. It is therefore essential that you verify all information with us before taking any action in reliance upon it and you confirm the efficacy of any action you do take.

Note: In the extremely unlikely event that your card details are obtained and or used fraudulently most banks and credit card providers will either cover all charges resulting from the unauthorised use or will limit your liability. Please check your agreement directly with your card provider to establish your cover for liability.   

*Reasonable electricity usage is up to £15 per day